Doing What’s Right
Enabling a Better, Safer, More Connected World
Corporate Responsibility
We believe strong companies build strong communities, and strong communities build strong companies. Our rich culture of citizenship dates back more than 100 years and continues to thrive at our company today. We are firmly committed to exercising our social responsibility through philanthropic donations and actively addressing the global challenges of improving and strengthening our communities and people’s lives.
Our pledge is to specifically support organizations that provide services to our communities and strive to be a positive example of civic leadership. This is accomplished through encouraging employee volunteerism, charitable giving, and being visible contributors to organizations that support programs focusing on helping children and disadvantaged youth, education and technology, and supporting the arts and culture. We have also provided assistance during large-scale disasters in those areas where we have a presence.
Organizations we support include the American Heart Association, International Red Cross, Clemson University, ECIA, FIRST, Junior Achievement, Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center (TIC), United Way, and Kisengo Foundation.

KEMET Corporate Responsibility

We are committed to expanding the possibilities for others — now and for generations to come. We are helping to build better communities and making a difference worldwide using our talent, time, and resources.
Global Code of Conduct
Being a part of our team means having the courage to do the right thing — making sure our conduct is always shaped by integrity and transparency, whether we are on or away from the job. This is a core company principle, and we are committed to doing the right thing. As such, this principle underlies all of our decisions and actions. Our Global Code of Conduct is a crucial tool to guide us in our efforts to behave with integrity, and we encourage all employees to take the time to review it and keep it in mind as a resource.
While our Code cannot address every situation we face, it does provide a firm foundation upon which our employees can base sound decisions that are consistent with our Mission, Vision, and Values. We all have a role in making sure KEMET business is conducted the right way and that we always follow our Code, our policies, and the law.
Download the KEMET Global Code of Conduct.

Human Rights Policy

Download the KEMET Human Rights Policy.
Respect for human rights is a core value of KEMET. We are committed to promoting the human rights of all people through our relationship with our employees, the communities in which we operate, and our suppliers.
This Human Rights Policy (Policy) is guided by international human rights principles encompassed by various standards and conventions, such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
This Policy further states our commitment to all employees, suppliers, partners, and any other people impacted by our business, that we and our employees adhere to the principles and policies outlined therein. Forced labor, slavery, and human trafficking are abhorrent abuses of human rights and we have taken the necessary steps to ensure such abuses do not occur within our supply chain or in any part of our business operations.
In 2008, we adopted the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) Code of Conduct – now titled the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct – which has been fully integrated into KEMET’s Global Code of Conduct. Together, these codes of conduct outline KEMET’s corporate responsibility policies. We require all employees and suppliers to comply with the RBA Code of Conduct.
Health and Safety
Our health and safety measures are rooted in our safety-oriented culture and extend beyond rules and standards. We believe workplace injuries or illnesses are preventable, which is why we invest in and incorporate safe practices and procedures in our employees’ daily routines. We are also committed to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution, adverse health effects, occupational hazards, and other specific commitments relevant to the context of the organization.
- We are committed to the protection of people and the environment in a sustainable manner to prevent climate change and maintain biodiversity and ecosystems
- We meet or exceed compliance obligations as well as any other requirements that may be deemed necessary for the protection of humans and the environment
- We are committed to continual improvement of our environmental management system to enhance environmental performance