What if a product is out of stock?

KEMET provides alternate product options on some out of stock items

If a product is out of stock, please view the Alternate Products provided.

  • If your product is out of stock, you will see Out of Stock on the product's page above the Request Sample button.
  • To see the Alternate Products for the product that is out of stock, click on the Alternate Products section on the out of stock product's page.

If no alternate products are available, please contact a sales representative or distributors to discuss ordering options or finding an alternate part number that meets your needs.


Find a Sales Office

You can find a KEMET sales office in your region by visiting our Find a Sales Office page. Please follow the instructions below.
  • From any KEMET.com page, scroll to top of page.
  • In the top navigation, on the far right, hover over Where to Buy.
  • Click Find a Sales Office.
  • On the Find a Sales Office page, select your country and state/province. 
  • Then select KEMET Sales Office under "Type of Sales Representative."

Contact information will be listed for each office under the country and/or state/region selected.


Find a Distributor

You can also find an authorized global or regional KEMET distributor by visiting our Find a Distributor page. Please follow the instructions below.

  • From any KEMET.com page, scroll to top of page.
  • In the top navigation, on the far right, hover over Where to Buy.
  • Click Find a Distributor.
  • On the Find a Distributor page, select your region and country.

Both global distributor and regional distributor profiles will be listed under the region and country selected.

Clicking on any of the distributor profiles will automatically direct you to the distributor's corporate website.